Friday, December 10, 2010

Mind if I sniff your bum?


Duncanr said...

For reasons that escape me, I have not found 'Mind if I sniff your bum' to be a very successful chat up line with women :-(

Cooper Green said...

You'll need to be more specific, Dunc. Is it the hotness of those women that turn you down that causes you distress, or is it more the quality of the sniffage emitted by those who do?

Gruff Guano said...

Ah, the final phase of the alcoholic housewife, the punchbowl habiliment. Enabling a constant supply of mixed cocktails.

Cooper Green said...

Gruff Guano, lovely to see you here. Most of our guano visitors are just runny; nice change! I see you've discovered the secret of the secret imbiber who fakes an ailment and bribes the Rehab ladies for a cone. From personal experience, I can tell you that about 350 ml of wine will just clear the nostrils and leave you with a pleasant buzz.

bschooled said...

Can she also detect tornados?