Monday, September 27, 2010

I don't seem to have a new post for you ...

... but what's more alarming is that I'm not rushing out to get one. I get these funks from time to time. Let's just see how this one works out.


Duncanr said...

I'll come back later then !

Rattling On said...

You were on such a roll there as well...

Joanne Casey said...

The last funk was a long old one. Coop, mate, chill :-)

Cooper Green said...

Don't cancel your subscriptions just yet, my friends. As usual, these priority shuffles have more to do with real life than online life. I enjoy blogging, and can't imagine that I'll be away from it for very long.

bschooled said...

Hope you're back soon, C. I count on you for my daily dose of "WTF? hilarity..." :)

Cooper Green said...

That's odd, Bea, because I count on you for exactly the same thing. I've got my brain in a splint, and with any luck I'll be back visiting blogs soon.

Anonymous said...


NobblySan said...

This all sounds remarkably familiar....

Anonymous said...

Funks happen...I try to write my way out of them.

Vodka and Ground Beef said...

I have an ointment for that. Let me know when you're ready for it. It burns at first, but then it soothes.

We'll see you soon.

Good talk.

Duncanr said...

just checking