Friday, September 10, 2010

A month at the most. Maybe spring. I'll call you in 2013.


nursemyra said...

Bob didn't like his daughter's new in laws

bschooled said...

What's the big deal? The place looks fine to me.

Then again, I'm a sucker for natural lighting...

Anonymous said...

Friggin kit homes are worse than IKEA!!

Cooper Green said...

Myra, that explains why Bob gave them the upstairs guest room with rain in the forecast.

I agree, Bea, the lighting's great. They've had no trouble finding every guest who has fallen from the kitchen to the basement. In fact, when they finally install the floor the lighting will go all to hell.

Loon, the only tool used during the entire construction was an Allen wrench, and a Phillips screwdriver for the knockdown cams.