Monday, September 20, 2010

Must be that mouse I ate.


Rattling On said...

I think that spells something in runes...

Joanne Casey said...

Nothing like a good old sneeze to nearly wreck you.

Cooper Green said...

Rattling, I should have thought of that when I copied this photo from "The DaCobra Code".

Good to see you back, Joanne. I know a guy who broke a rib sneezing (I'm tempted to say it was nothing to sneeze at, but that would just be stupid).

Joanne Casey said...

Cooper, haha, no I like a good pun!

Bet he dropped to his sneeze (knees).

nursemyra said...

Looks like an erection to me

Cooper Green said...

Myra, you worry me. If the girth doesn't give you pause, then surely the stripes do.

Vodka and Ground Beef said...

I'm predicting some pretty bad gas later on tonight. For me, not the snake.

bschooled said...

Is it too late for me to get in on that September special?

Cooper Green said...

Vodka, coralsnake and broccoli are a potent mix. Better eat outdoors.

Bea, have you got another wildebeest infestation? Remember: no free ranging on the Serengeti during rutting season, it's nothing but trouble.