Sunday, October 03, 2010

Having fun, Nana? This party's for you!


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! that is hilarious!


Cooper Green said...

Yes, Amberley, you are quite correct, that is hilarious. Ruthie had no way of knowing that Nana's incontinence would prevent the duct tape from sticking, because her entire abdominal region was soaked in urine. Nana subsequently slid onto the Sons Of Norway community hall floor, and was run over by her own wheelchair. Nana will remember this birthday for years, I'm sure.

Dr. Cynicism said...

Awww... poor Nana. All she wants is to go home and watch her stories.

Cooper Green said...

You got it, Dr. C. She's showing a lot less enthusiasm than her daughter, who can hardly wait to get a peek at the will.

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