Sunday, October 10, 2010

I told him not to sit on walls!


Duncanr said...

good news, Mr Dumpty - your wife just gave birth

Vodka and Ground Beef said...

An omelet?! But there are so many medical marvels these days? Physical therapy won't help? Not even aromatherapy?

Sad day.

PS - I love my Cooper Green fix.

bschooled said...

Don't worry, Coop. I told him eggsactly the same thing when he apoached me about it.

He just laughed and said, "Seriously, you've got to be yolking..."

Between you and me, I think he was fried. (Only because he was acting really crepe-y.)

Cooper Green said...

It can't be Mr. Dumpty's, Dunc. This one's definitely got blue and yellow easter egg genes.

Cooper Green said...

It can't be Mr. Dumpty's, Dunc. This one's definitely got blue and yellow easter egg genes.

Thanks, Vodka. Once you sprinkle a little cayenne pepper and a few Bacon Bits on the little bugger, you forget about his disabilities.

You shirr crack me up, Bea. You can always foo yung people with puns, but it's tougher to drop those hardboiled, fried, thousand-year-old beaters like me.

nursemyra said...

well cover him in Gruyère and plate him up

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